Church With Purpose

Service Times:
SUN. 10AM // WED. 6PM
Servicio en español e inglés los domingos.


Flee Temptation

2 Timothy 2:22 says, “Flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart”  

From Division to Unity

Gossip and slander can quietly infiltrate the life of a church community, causing discord and division. Most of the time I hear these issues dismissed as harmless venting or sharing a concern, but they carry significant spiritual consequences with the speaker and the hearer. Gossip usually involves sharing information about someone that we don’t know as true and often lacking the consent of the person being discussed. Slander, on the other hand, is making false statements that can damage someone’s…

Is Jesus the Only Way to God?

With all of the pressures for everyone to be accepting and inclusive of others’ beliefs, and even with the Pope now saying that “All religions are paths to God.” Where do we, as Christians, stand on this issue? Do all religions lead to God, or is Christianity the only one true path to God? To reach a conclusion on this matter, we must first answer this question. Who or what is the final authority on this? In other words, do…

Finding Peace Amidst Chaos: Overcoming Fear Through Faith

The world seems to be spinning with fears right now—fear of the COVID-19 virus, fear of who will lead us next, fear of what that leader might or might not do, fear of potential conflicts and wars, fear of losing jobs or businesses, fear of financial hardships, fear of the pervasive anger and division among people, fear of losing friends over differing opinions, and fear of an uncertain future. It’s a lot to carry, isn’t it? Sometimes, it feels like…