Sermons from January 2015

Sermons from January 2015

The Anointing

Do we understand the investment God has put into our lives and do we give that return on investment back to Him? Pastor Jim walks us through the importance of having the anointing of the Lord on our life and then living out that anointing daily, in all we do. He poses the question to each of us, are you cheating GOD out of HIS investment?

The Sword of the Spirit

As we finish walking through the last days of Jesus’ life we look at the significance of “swords”, not only in scripture but also in our lives. Pastor Jim asks us to examine if we are actually wielding the sword of the spirit (Gods Word) in our everyday life properly?

Get Ready Cause Here I Come

When that day comes will you hear “Well done, good and faithful servant!” or will you hear ‘You wicked, lazy servant!…” Pastor Jim dives into a few parables and highlights that we are to be prepared for that day when Jesus returns. Are you doing what is necessary to prepare or are you coasting along?

What Lies Ahead?

We walk into this new year wondering What Lies Ahead? Pastor Jim walks us through the prophesies from the end of Matthew 24 and the book of Zechariah.